…every human being – without distinction of sex, age, race, skin color, language, religion, political view, or national or social origin – possesses an inalienable and untouchable dignity.

Dr. Hans Küng

Sadden to learn of the death of the great Swiss Theologian Hans Küng. He died yesterday, April 6th, 2021. He was 93 years old.

Dr. Küng was a Roman Catholic priest, theologian, prolific author, and professor at the University of Tübingen. He was an outspoken critic of facets of the Catholic tradition, and his public rejection of the Church’s doctrine of papal infallibility, led to him being barred him from teaching as a Catholic theologian, however the Church did not revoke his status as a priest.

Dr. Küng’s courage in his relationship to his Church, his work in Vatican II, his ecumenical, multifaith, and global work have moved the church’s theological conversation. I have personally appreciated his work toward a global ethic, his many years of working with the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and his calling out of Pope John Paul’s treatment of Latin American liberation theologians like Gustavo Gutiérrez and Leonardo Boff as being unChristian.

Here are just a handful of the many, many writings he offered up as gift to the world.

More tributes or resources to learn more about Dr. Hans Küng:

We are convinced of the fundamental unity of the human family.

Dr. Hans Küng

Rest in Peace, dwight

Mourning the Loss of Hans Küng
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