“I’m not a foodie; I’m an eatie. I don’t have anything against foodies. I just don’t have the time or the interest to do that much research.”

Jim Gaffigan

Stand-up comedy can be – among other things – prophetic. I love going to stand-up and have missed doing so during the pandemic. I watch more than my share of it on TV. One of my bucket list items is taking in Canada’s annual Montreal Comedy Festival. Being the nerd that I am I have studied some comics to help me hone my story telling craft; I’ve even assigned comedy routines in a preaching class and have considered requiring that my MDiv students take a class in comedy improv.

Recently I recorded a little story about a time when the comedian Jim Gaffigan nearly killed me and my family. There is no real prophetic edge to this story… though I suppose it could be seen to have a moral.

Peace, dwight

“Yeah the appetizer, that’s the food we eat before we have our food…No no you’re thinking of dessert, that’s food we eat after we have our food.”

Jim Gaffigan
Jim Gaffigan Nearly Killed Me!
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