leadership consultation

leadership consultation

I have the joy of participating in the Fuller/Allelon “Forming Leaders for the Missional/emerging church” consultation. Drs. Eddie Gibbs, Ryan Bolger, and Allan Roxburgh are facilitating the conversation. This group of participants is amazing! There are some folks who I



Today I have the privilege of spending some time with one of the ooze’s e-trek learning cohorts focused around “Building Healthy Community.”  My friend Joe Myers is the guide for this journey. Click here for a movie of the Evolution



The cover story of the current issue of Time is “The 25 Most Influential Evangelicals.”  Listed among the powerful voices of Rick Warren, James Dodson, Richard John Neuhaus, Billy/Franklin Graham, J. I. Packer, Bill Hybels, John Stott, and sixteen others,

feeling good

feeling good

Yesterday I submitted the penultimate draft of my doctoral dissertation! O the joy!  Lynette, Pascal and I did the happy dance all over the house; we went out for dinner, opened a bottle of champagne and celebrated the fact the “WE did

Theological Conversation

Theological Conversation

So I’m thinking of participating in the theological conversation sponsored by emergent featuring Walter Brueggemann. I’ve deeply appreciated Dr. Brueggemann’s and his ongoing contribution to biblical scholarship. It would be great to interact with other emergent theologians in an intimate

What is Life?

What is Life?

A little more than 50 years ago, Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger delivered a series of lectures which – as they often do – turned into a book entitled, “What is life?” Schrödinger’s exploration of this question has been visited and

Retreat Time

Retreat Time

So today I head out to Orcas Island, which is beautiful place of retreat, filled with artists, poets and writers. An island that woes one to slow down and notice creation in its raw beauty, ocean, trees, whales, mountains, eagles,

centering prayer

centering prayer

“Every soul has a will capable of loving God.” St. Francis de Sales Centering Prayer is a practice of prayerful meditation, which prepares us to receive the gift of God’s presence, often referred to as contemplative prayer. It consists of

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