Dr. Bryan Burton

Today is a big day for me, as I will be presenting my first full lecture at Mars Hill Graduate School.  I’ve been a Teaching Assistant for a while and this Fall became a part-time junior faculty member.  Though I have taken parts of lectures in the past this will be the first time where the content rests on my shoulders.  Very exciting! 

As I was reviewing my content yesterday, I realized I prepared as though I was Dr. Bryan Burton – the Professor I’m filling in for – so today I am reworking the whole thing in an effort to better offer myself.  I know I am likely taking this way too seriously but I’m a novice and that’s what novices do.  My partner was saying that when she was first teaching she would spend hours crafting detailed lesson plans for the lessons of each day.  Now so much of what she teaches comes from a tacit knowing, trust her bodied reading her students, herself, and the learning objectives..

Anyway if you think of me today pray for me, this feels like a big step.

Peace, dwight

Excited & Nervous

2 thoughts on “Excited & Nervous

  • September 30, 2004 at 7:46 PM

    Go for it dude!! I wish I was a student in your class!
    still want to get together with yah.

  • October 7, 2004 at 2:51 AM

    Yo bro, ya kicked ass! two things you said grabbed me: "the Trinity is a way of life. . ." & "the mission of the church is to embody the Trinity through radical difference being expressed in radical oneness." Well done, my friend. You are a blessing! Much love to you!

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