Here’s my top ten list of books from 2021. Most years I try to pull together a list of the recently published books that have worked their way into my imagination in some important way. Surely more books could be
Markus Watson, host of the “Spiritual Life and leadership” Podcast recently interviewed Tom Sine and myself regarding our book, 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change. The Podcast will be available December 21st. I
Is it just me, or does the Jenga-like quality of life feel especially close to the surface these days. Precarious. Teetering. Unstable. Somehow just looking all that is changing can fill, even the heartiest of us with fear. “It could
One of my great joys is engaging in conversation with leaders & groups seeking to discover the church that is emerging after Christendom. So many followers of the Jesus way can feel the many ways that our times are changing.
The 2021 Fall trimester begins today at The Seattle School. If my math if correct term marks the starting of my 53rd trimester at this school. In the off chance that anyone needed a reminder of the impermanence of all
“When I heard about spiritual direction, I felt as if I was seeing an old friend I had never met. Spiritual direction (this new old friend) led me deeper into the love of God. Spiritual direction helped me experience more
We have one month to get ready for the UN-Habitat’s Urban October. UN-Habitat is engaging people and groups from all over the world to think about where they live and how they live where they live, with an eye to
Leading Ideas Talks brings to the table cutting-edge leaders on subjects you care about — navigating change, reaching younger people, financing your ministry, communicating effectively — to help you be the leader God is calling you to be. Dr. Ann Michel,
The good folks over at Circlewood released interviewed me for their Earthkeepers Podcast. Its Episode 36, “For a Greener Future.” Their site says: In this episode, Forrest talks to the authors of a book called 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for
Earlier this week the sixth assessment report (AR6) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is a well researched and carefully documented report coming in at nearly 4,000 pages. While I haven’t finished reading the full report yet,
Dr. Ann Michel, associate director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary recently shared an excerpt from, 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change, on its “Leading Ideas” blog &
Annually, at the end of the Spring term at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology we gather to hear TEDish-styled presentations from graduating seniors. While most of the presentations are made by graduates of the school’s theology programs, some counseling students
June is Pride Month. Which is the perfect opportunity to highlight some of some of the important LGBTQ+ theological writings followers of the Way of Jesus the Christ are researching, writing, and reading to help us love God, love neighbor,
Spring trimester at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology begins today. I will be serving as the guide along the course of three learning journeys. My three classes this trimester include: Integrative Project: Exploring the Future Intersections 3: Textual
How sad it is that we give up on people who are just like us. Fred Rogers Growing up in Canada when I did, I watched and loved the Mr. Dressup show. I’ve come to learn that Mr. Dressup was
The Asian American Christian Collaborative (AACC) is working with local churches and organizations to stand against Asian American & Pacific Islanders (AAPI) hate and to mourn the loss of the 8 precious image bearers who were massacred. Marches are already
At Thomas Merton’s Grave by Spencer Reece We can never be with loss too long. Behind the warped door that sticks, the wood thrush calls to the monks, pausing upon the stone crucifix, singing: “I am marvelous alone!” Thrash, thrash
A documentary looking at the life of Abraham Joshua Heschel was released at the end of last month… I can’t wait to see it. I’ve been rereading Heschel’s The Sabbath in preparation for a spring course I’ll be teaching at
Today The Parliament of the World’s Religions is joining organizers and community leaders in Chicago as part of the City’s Together We Heal initiative by hosting a series of virtual programs to foster conversation and share tools on healing and
My love of jazz began when I was in junior high. My older sister often let me hang out with her and her high school friends… one of her many generosities. One of her friends played trumpet in a jazz
“This is the story and song our ancestors bequeathed to us, and it comes at a time in our country when the very things they struggled and died for — faith and freedom, justice and equality, democracy and grace —
This coming Wednesday – one week from today – begins an intentional journey inviting spiritual seekers to join in solidarity with suffering and all who suffer. It is a season to hold with honest generosity and curiosity the suffering one
“Spiritual Direction” is the theme of the February 8, 2021 edition of The Presbyterian Outlook. The issue provides resources to support Christian faith communities in their ongoing work of discerning the presence and invitation of the Holy Spirit through its
Here’s my top ten list of books from 2020. Every year I pull together a list of the recently published books that have worked their way into my imagination in some important way. Surely more books could be included, especially
I was in a Wabash funded Zoom meeting last week facilitated by Dr. Shelly Rambo of Boston University and Dr. Trace Haythorn from the ACPE and they ended our meeting with “The Keep Going Song” by the Bengsons. I hadn’t
The theme of the January 2021 issue of SoJourners magazine is “A Time To Rebuild,” and it features a story titled, “How to thrive in a Decade of Accelerating Change” by Associate Editor, Da’Shawn Mosley. Da’Shawn interviewed Tom Sine and
This 10 minute video put together by the Thriving Communities Group is a beautiful introduction to our vital need for a renewed Shalomic imagination for faithful presence within the ecosystem of relations that sustain life. The video is really good!
“We can approach the future with confidence because we know the end from the beginning, the mustard seed wins the day.” Tom Sine Here is a link to a recent webinar Tom Sine and I hosted exploring our new book.
Naomi Osinnowo, Editorial Content Manager at Idea interviewed Tom Sine and I regarding our new book, 2020s Foresight. Her interview turned into article which now appears in the November / December 2020, issue of Idea Magazine. The theme for this
So are you? Are you ready for 2021? If you’re like me, you’re ready for a new normal… eager to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror. However, just because the presidential election is over doesn’t mean this decade of accelerating