The January-February 2022 issue of Canada’s “Faith Today” magazine includes a review of 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change, in its recurring “Books + Culture” section. This title is the Fortress Press book which I co-authored with my friend and mentor, Tom Sine.

Reviewer, Derek Melanson did a lovely job of articulating the core themes of the book.

The review concludes by saying:

Immensely practical 2020s Foresight includes questions for group discussion and prayers related to the themes of each chapter. Sine and Friesen want to inspire churches and their leaders to face reality honestly but hopefully. They tell stories of people seeking to turn challenges (especially those of technology, climate and housing) into opportunities to refocus on Jesus and His Kingdom. It will be of great benefit to church leaders looking to do likewise.


Thanks Derek for so thoroughly and graciously engaging our book and sharing your review with Canada’s thoughtful followers of Christ.

Peace, dwight

New Book Review
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