Yesterday a good friend had open heart value replacement surgery. Clinton Wilson (who is one of the people I’m working with to open a bar in Seattle) is not even 30 years old, and is one of the biggest hearted people I know; one would never have suspected that his physical heart was as underdeveloped. By the end of the day he was talking with his partner Brooke, and even stood up. Thank God!
Had lunch on Sunday with my friend Rudy Carrasco as he was in town for a World Vision board meeting. Rudy is so fun to talk with – and we conversationally covered the gamut – though we kept circling back to ecosystems/network theory. He is on of the more engaging people I know. Thanks for sharing yourself Rudy.
My dissertation is due in one week. And over the weekend my computer froze up; I got the blue screen of death – I was in tears – but was ultimately able to get back all documents. I may be getting close to making the move to Apple. Special thanks to Sam for recovering my data.
Having attended emergent San Diego the last couple of years I am hoping to be at the Nashville conference in 2005.

Just last week I became full-time at Mars Hill Graduate School. I will have a very full and very fun Spring trimester. BTW: Mars Hill Graduate School is nearing the completion of re-visioning what an MDiv degree could look like; wait until you see this degree, there is not another seminary program like it in the world.
peace, dwight
> though we kept circling back to ecosystems/network theory
I would have liked to be ther!
Kudos on the dis- soon to be down the drain! I look forward to talking, we\re long overdue.
Perhaps you\ve already heard about this, more temptation:
Come join us, my friend- and give the finger to the blue screen of death.
Dwight –
I just read your syllabus for the Church class that you are teaching at mars hill starting in February. Im super juiced for it. and thanks for the freedom on our texts — it allows for me to pick a book that is catered to what i hope to do.
p.s. In many ways Im glad that you are full-time. i cant wait to learn under and with you.
Many will move their lives forward because you are their teacher.
is distance learning available?
What a tease you are! Would love to hear more about what the Mars Hill MDiv will look like as I am considering going there.
dwight – cant wait to hang with you in nashville – ill be there. and congrats on the mars hill deal and the dissertation. so, when do we get to read your dissertation? 😉