Here’s my top ten list of books from 2023.
At the end of each year I reflect on books that I engaged this year that sparked imagination… this is my 24th such list. In some way, each of these books opened something in me as I read. Now, you should know that I try to limit myself to works that were published or reissued during the past year, however, every once in a while I have to include a recent title that I didn’t get to until this year.
Again, each of these books touched me in a meaningful way. I feel grateful for them, to the people who birthed them, and to the publishing houses offering these resources to our world. These are some of the books I have found lingering in my heart, mind, and body. They are in no particular order.
Peace, dwight
Bonus Picks…
- Song of My Softening, by Omotara James
- Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life, by Dacher Keltner
- Truth and Repair: How Trauma Survivors Envision Justice, by Judith Lewis Herman
- The Scandal of Leadership: Unmasking the Powers of Domination in the Church, by JR Woodward
- Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, by Vivek Murthy
- The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?, by Jim Davis, Michael Graham, with Ryan P. Burge
- Jesus Human: Primer for a Common Humanity, by Leonard I. Sweet
All of Dwight’s Top 10 Book Lists…
2024 . 2023 . 2022 . 2021 . 2020
2019 . 2018 . 2017 . 2016 . 2015
2014 . 2013 . 2012 . 2011 . 2010
2009 . 2008 . 2007 . 2006 . 2005
2004 . 2003 . 2002 . 2001 . 2000