“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

Happy Earth Day!

You and I live somewhere. Faithful presence invites us to discover a way of living in harmony with all of life… people, animals, ourselves, and the earth. The acceleration of problems facing our planet is daunting. As we know, most of the serious challenges to the flourishing of human life on our globe are the unintended consequences of the last few hundred years of technological “advancement.”

This earth day let’s listen to the earth. Let’s attune ourselves to creation. Let’s sit at the feet of others who have been practicing a harmonious way of being faithfully present in the bioregion we indwell.

I both appreciate and reject the quote from Einstein at the top of this post. On the one hand it’s clear, understandable , and compelling… on the other it collapses today’s climate crisis into the false modernist “problem/solution” binary. Shakespeare might warn that we might be hoist with our own petard; as the problem/solution paradigm continues to play a huge role in furthering climate change. My hunch is that we don’t new a new paradigm as much as we would be wise to listen to and follow the leadership and practices of aboriginal peoples in every bioregion of our planet to rediscover how to join the natural patterns of our respective places.

How might I practice a living within the ecosystem that sustains me in such a way that I add to its health and flourishing?

Peace, dwight

Earth Day 2021
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