This message from Michael Curry, the current Presiding Bishop and Primate of the The Episcopal Church, feels like an important one to attend to at this time in America. Exactly a week ago today the Capitol Building was under a violent siege and earlier today there was a bipartisan vote to impeach President Trump for the second time within 13 months. Within this context Curry asks the question, who shall we be? I highly commend taking the 14 minutes to open yourself both to what he says and the way he says it.

“Who shall we be?” What image comes to mind when you consider this question? Who is the “We” in your hearing? …Country? People? Church? Something else?

In his remarks, Curry draws from the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King’s final book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? Chaos or community? Which will it be? It feels like chaos looms on our horizon.

I know, I feel a measure of unrest in my soul. I hear the reports about planned acts on all 50 state capitals. I hear the concerns surrounding the inauguration of President Elect Joe Biden. I hear the wonderings about how the Senate might vote on the articles of impeachment. I hear and see the divisions in this land and its peoples. There is so much fear. Fear and love, are like oil and water. God help me to choose to open up to discover a way of love. May we move toward community. The very beloved community that woos us with hope to discover a way of faithful presence even in the midst of looming chaos. I pray for an even more shalomic imagination for this moment, and for the days ahead.

Peace, dwight

Who Shall We Be?
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