I’ve been wondering a little bit about ‘matter.’ Does anyone know if scientists think that new matter is coming in to existence all the time or is the amount of matter static and only the distribution of matter changes, or some other theory altogether?

If I remember correctly, I was taught that the amount of matter is static, but I have no source for that assumption, nor am I sure of it. Is there a source you might recommend for me find more information about this?

If all the matter that will exist already exists then would it be a stretch to imagine that on a material level our bodies are reincarnated?

Further, if Nancey Murphy and others are correct in advocating a physicalism or materialist view of humans – in contrast with trichotomous (body/soul/spirit) or dualism (body/spirit or body/mind) – then we as Christ-followers may have some exciting days ahead in terms of thinking through our understanding of the nature of humanity and the nature of the eschaton. If as Murphy suggests humans are neither trichotomous nor dualistic but are a physical whole then what we think of as “soul” is inextricably bound to the physicalism of our being.

Unfortunately I have not yet had the privilege to dialogue with Dr. Murphy on this vital topic, but I find myself wrestling with what the age old question of what happens when we die? If our “soul” or “spirit” or “mind” is in fact inseparably linked with our physicality what kind of hope might exist for an after life?

I find myself coming close to being convinced by physicalism, which leaves me scratching my head regarding the afterlife.

Peace, dwight

What Matters
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