I wish I could be with so many of my friends, and sojourners at the emergent conference this week. I was fortunate to see many of them earlier this year in San Diego, and if my memory serves me correctly Andrew Jones will be in Nashville but wasn’t at the earlier event, I’ll have to wait for another day to see the tall skinny one.

BTW – Thanks for the emails and the calls with respect to yesterday’s “matter” question. It seems that the general consensus is that one of the laws of thermodynamics stresses that matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed but only changed. Which is indeed power behind e=mc2 that matter can not be destroyed only changed into energy.

This makes me wonder… if our universe is indeed expanding. Over time will matter be so dispersed so as to render life improbable?

Again we witness the cosmic dance; this time with matter/energy. And yet, for some reason I thought that quantum theory was challenging this notion. Oh well – I’m just a pastor/theologian… better stay in my lane.

Peace, dwight

Gotta Stay in My Lane
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