One week left! As a child I found this final week was almost unbearable… anticipation overload! Time off school, gifts to open, gifts to give, fun events in my neighborhood, school, church and extended family. Just a different kind of
Below you will find the latest letter I sent to the congregation with whom I am serving. For some reason I went a little philosophical with this one. I sure hope it makes sense. I hear in my writing an
“I’m not a foodie; I’m an eatie. I don’t have anything against foodies. I just don’t have the time or the interest to do that much research.” Jim Gaffigan Stand-up comedy can be – among other things – prophetic. I
My love of jazz began when I was in junior high. My older sister often let me hang out with her and her high school friends… one of her many generosities. One of her friends played trumpet in a jazz
I stumbled across the above video; its a live performance of “Alive” by Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder’s introduction where he shares some of the backstory is beautiful. He shares how that experience felt like a curse at the time of
“Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity.” Chimamanda
For a few days I’ve been sitting the question: “how can I better understand and enter into the narrative of church?” This question took me back to Greek theater, represented by the masks. I find myself wondering whether the narrative of
Over the last few years it has been very cool to watch evangelical Christians discover or rediscover the wonder and power of film. “Narrative Theologians” like Stanley Hauerwas, Hans Frei, et. al. deserve our thanks. Cornerstone’s Flickerings, and the Damah
I’ve been reading a bunch of Biblical Theology this summer. Something that I am beginning to question is what Paul, Mark, Matthew, John, et al thought they were inviting people to when inviting people to follow Christ. I’m pretty sure
How we say what we say, says more about who we are than the words we say. Words point to realities beyond themselves the words. The way we piece together our words is often slightly less conscious, and the tones
We “make” disciples when the “disciple” somehow – though relationship – other awakens to the shalomic love of the Divine, seeking away the Way of Jesus the Christ. What the “disciple” encounters is more than just you or me, and
North American culture is changing. So is church culture(s). Some have suggested that culture is reinventing itself at a faster pace than ever before… while none of us have lived at another time something inside me senses that this may