Well, Sunday was my final Sunday serving at St Luke’s. And today was my final staff meeting. As challenging as transitions can be in the life of any community, this one was so beautiful and warm. It was filled with
March is Women’s History Month. Women’s History Month is an annual declared month set aside to highlight the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. What we now know as the month long observation in the USA, began
Unlike Canada’s Thanksgiving practice, which is more of a harvest celebration, the American observation is couched in a subjugating narrative. Wisdom is invited of you as you navigate this holiday. The particularity of your bodied, cultured, and located self will
You are here! Actually your are there; I am here. This is amazing! This is real. Like no time in modern history – or least not since the inventions of the steam ship, the locative, the automobile, and the airplane
Last night was the final and celebratory gathering of the simple church that I’ve led and been part of for the past 11 years. I was both surprised and blessed by the evening. Spending the evening with friends (some of
Yesterday a good friend had open heart value replacement surgery. Clinton Wilson (who is one of the people I’m working with to open a bar in Seattle) is not even 30 years old, and is one of the biggest hearted
Tomorrow America sets aside the day to be especially aware of the people, communities, place, opportunities, events, things, etc., for whom/which we are thankful. I’m learning to appreciate that saying, “Americans have much to be thankful for,” is a more
Of all the teachers, both named and unnamed, who have influenced me, one stands out as having shaped my heart and teaching more than any other. A third grade teacher, committed to experiential authentic learning; Lynette Friesen has been coaching
As a kid I struggled with learning to read. To this day I feel like I should read faster than I do and I am a terrible speller (you likely have noticed). I was always playing, creating, and initiating mischief
Ok, so yesterday morning I was reading in my studio, I look up and my monitor shows me nothing but the “blue screen of death,” the fatally corrupted disk error that we all dread. I valiantly gave my PC mouth-to-mouth
I think that of all people of all time I am blessed. God is so good to me. Here I am sitting in my studio, hearing my partner and son singing upstairs, I’m surrounded by great books, and art. Augie
o happy day – christmas 2001 As the holiday season rolls in, I find myself longing to set Christmas apart as special and unique. Christmas is so much more than a thanksgiving celebration or a mere remembrance, more than gifts
I count myself among those richly blessed. My life is filled with connections that shape, challenge, encourage, emboldened, instruct, strengthen, walk alongside and in some instances endure. I’m not just talking about my partner and son, or my family of