Well, Sunday was my final Sunday serving at St Luke’s. And today was my final staff meeting. As challenging as transitions can be in the life of any community, this one was so beautiful and warm. It was filled with gratitude, blessing, celebration, curiosity, and kindness. It was so joyous to welcome the Griffiths back from their extended primgrimage, and then to have the elders, board, and staff gather around to bless me and release me from my service… pure glory!

I snapped a few photos from the altar so I might remember this perspective I’ve been blessed with for the last year and a half.

There are so many aspects to the worship gathering I loved. When Lyn read led us in the “prayers of the people” and she prayed for me, I just about lost it. And Melinda’s children’s message was so beautiful. Then to be wrapped in a quilt made by the church’s quilters and to have the church’s leadership and the entire community bless me with words of commissioning. wowie, wow, wow! So great.

As if that weren’t enough the community arranged for the Gourminis food truck to serve lunch… so good! Yet the blessing and celebration continued. I was showered with cards, and paper hearts with heartfelt messages, the community gifted me with a stunning piece of art; there were cakes and the altar guild even wrote a limerick for the occasion… I have to say I have never felt so celebrated in my entire life. Thank you St Luke’s!

So much gratitude.

Peace, dwight

Wowie, Wow, Wow!
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