I’ll be attending the 2006 Theological Conversation featuring Dr. Miroslav Volf sponsored by Emergent, the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, Zondervan Publishing, and Abingdon Press/Cokesbury Bookstores. February 6-8, 2006. Peace, dwight
Tom & Christine Sine & the Mustard Seed Associates are presenting: The Church has Left the Building. I will be guiding an appreciative inquiry exploring the possibility of a more profoundly local, particular, and geographically missional Christ-commons. Does it mean
Last week I highlighted Off-the-map’s upcoming event with David Ruis, titled “what ever happened to the Holy Spirit?” there are a few other Seattle area events worth noting: The Poetry Series presented by Seattle Arts & Lectures: Four nights &
I will be interacting with a group of “J-TERM SEATTLE” seminary students from Wartburg Seminary, around some of my research regarding the “Scale-Free Kingdom.” Jan 18, 2006. Peace, dwight
Feb 10-11, 2006 in Seattle From the Off-The-Map web site: “David Ruis is a pioneer in reinterpreting the work of the Holy Spirit in today’s culture. His experience in neo Pentecostalism combined with his work among the poor provides a
Here’s my top ten list of books from 2005. These books touched me in some meaningful way. I feel grateful for them, and to the people who birthed them into our world. These are some of the books I have
In January 2006 I will have privilege of participating in a conversation within the emergent Jewish community; leaders who are pursuing fresh ways of ushering in Shalom in our world. A number of Christian emergent folks have been invited to
Mars Hill Graduate School is hosting the Leadership Crucible . . . a leading expereince, Thursday, March 9 – Saturday, March 11, 2006. This will be an interactive exploration into team leadership. I highly recommend it. peace, dwight
It’s been a bit of a quiet season for my online journal. Between the Generous Orthodoxy conference, AAR, American thanksgiving, the first week of Advent, a few significant changes in Quest, teaching, and home life with Lynette and Pascal I’ve
I will be attending the annual gathering of the American Academy of Religion in Philadelphia. Nov 18-21, 2005. Lynette and I are going together. Which is awesome! She’s gonna hit Philly’s art galleries while I am in sessions. I love
Recently I stumbled across a wonderful article exploring AI and humanity’s-tomorrow. Published by Wired in August of 2000 Bill Joy (cofounder and Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems) explores “Why the future doesn’t need us.” Below the article is a conversation
Here is a rather famous and Worthy leadership article by Dee Hock; the founder and CEO emeritus of Visa (the credit card company). Hock, Dee “The Art of Chaordic Leadership” Leader to Leader. 15 (Winter 2000): 20-26. Peace, dwight
I’m am very much looking forward to this Learning Party. First of all, anytime I get to hang out with Karen, Ryan, Tracey, Tim, Rachelle and the others you know its going to be a fun day. I am very
The fall trimester has begun; and I have the unspeakable privilege of teaching a full load at MHGS. The paths along which I get to serve as a guide are: An Introduction to the Hermeneutical Task: The Art of Reading
For the second week out of the last three weeks, I have almost no Internet access. Lynette, Pascal, and I are at a wonderful cabin on Vancouver Island celebrating my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. It seems like the art of
If you are interested in having me facilitate a conversation with your leadership team, faith-community, or in having me teach at your college or seminary please email your request: connect@dwightfriesen.com. In addition to dialogue facilitation I also occasionally consult with
Today is a day of table fellowship. Lunch with Joel VandenBrink and theologian Colin Greene. Colin’s latest book is, Christology in Cultural Perspective: marking out the horizons. Then, I get to have coffee with a prospective MDiv student at Mars Hill Graduate School.
Will participating in the “U2 Theology Workshops” together with Jeff Keuss and John Franke at both Off-the-Map’s “A Generous Orthodoxy Conferences” being put on my Brian McLaren and Jim Henderson. Washington DC, October 7-8, 2005 Seattle, November 4-5,
Leadership is an Art, by Max DePree The Tale of Three Kings, by Gene Edwards The Emergence of Leadership, by Douglas Griffin Connective Leadership, Jean Lipman-Blumen Complexity and Management, by Ralph D. Stacey The Paradox of Control in Organizations, by
Bold Love, by Dan Allender Linked, by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Holy Trinity, Perfect Community, by Leonardo Boff Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sanctorum Communio, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Nexus, by Mark Buchanan I and Thou, by Martin Buber The Love of God,
I’m available for workshops, retreats and guided group experiences for the purpose of encountering God. In conjunction with your community’s unique needs and desires I will develop customized retreats. Please contact me for more information. peace, dwight
My friend, teacher, and colleague, Brian McLaren will be posting here on this journal tomorrow, Monday, May 9th. Brian’s blog tour (including: Tallskinnykiwi, Jordan Cooper, Jen Lemen, Paradoxology, and Pomomusings), will be a conversation regarding his newest, and arguably most
Well, I’m back to the world of the web connected. After a week in LA at Fuller Seminary and in Portland at George Fox University without access, it feels so good to have my networked-mind back. The time at the