Cascadia Events

Cascadia Events

Last week I highlighted Off-the-map’s upcoming event with David Ruis, titled “what ever happened to the Holy Spirit?” there are a few other Seattle area events worth noting:  The Poetry Series presented by Seattle Arts & Lectures: Four nights &

synagogue 3000

synagogue 3000

In January 2006 I will have privilege of participating in a conversation within the emergent Jewish community; leaders who are pursuing fresh ways of ushering in Shalom in our world. A number of Christian emergent folks have been invited to

no access

no access

For the second week out of the last three weeks, I have almost no Internet access. Lynette, Pascal, and I are at a wonderful cabin on Vancouver Island celebrating my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. It seems like the art of

booking dwight

booking dwight

If you are interested in having me facilitate a conversation with your leadership team, faith-community, or in having me teach at your college or seminary please email your request: In addition to dialogue facilitation I also occasionally consult with

in good company

in good company

Today is a day of table fellowship.  Lunch with Joel VandenBrink and theologian Colin Greene.  Colin’s latest book is, Christology in Cultural Perspective: marking out the horizons.  Then, I get to have coffee with a prospective MDiv student at Mars Hill Graduate School. 

hubbing texts

hubbing texts

Leadership is an Art, by Max DePree The Tale of Three Kings, by Gene Edwards The Emergence of Leadership, by Douglas Griffin Connective Leadership, Jean Lipman-Blumen Complexity and Management, by Ralph D. Stacey The Paradox of Control in Organizations, by

relationality texts

relationality texts

Bold Love, by Dan Allender Linked, by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Holy Trinity, Perfect Community, by Leonardo Boff Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sanctorum Communio, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Nexus, by Mark Buchanan I and Thou, by Martin Buber The Love of God,



I’m available for workshops, retreats and guided group experiences for the purpose of encountering God.  In conjunction with your community’s unique needs and desires I will develop customized retreats. Please contact me for more information. peace, dwight

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