In a recent conversation with some friends who are engaged to be married (congrats Thomas & Kelly) we got to talking about themes for their upcoming wedding. We batted a few ideas around the one that seemed to generate the
Sheryl raised some great questions in her reply to my Dec 28th post. The claim is often made that “truth is truth” with the assumption that such a claim stands on its own. Why should we expect it to? For
I write to discover what I’m in the the process of believing. “When I say ‘I believe,’ I am not merely describing an inward feeling or experience: I am affirming what I believe to be true, and therefore what is
In the seemingly unending stack of theology papers I am privileged to be engaging, a quote from Albers’ Interaction of Color caught my heart… thanks Ed. “In musical compositions, so long as we hear merely single tones, we do not
I’ve been battling a cold for about a week and yesterday afternoon around 3, I lost. A foggy head – where everyone sounds like they’re speaking into a barrel, nasal congestion, that achy feeling, and just a hint stomach-unease. To
Ryan Pettit wrote a thoughtful response to my “Christianity maybe an antichrist” entry of 12/4/2004. He graciously critiques my post, offering seasoned rationale for his claims. Ryan began his response by offering three definitions of religion, these are useful. He
Antinomy is a term used in logic and epistemology, which, loosely, means a paradox or unresolvable contradiction. At least for me that this season in my life, paradox feels vital to to discovery of the real. If for a moment
Christ trumps all religious systems. Jesus Christ did not create a religion Jesus appears to have lived meta-religion; no religion could contain Christ. Though Jesus was Jewish, and a Rabbi, he didn’t just teach the Law, he fulfilled it. When
Yesterday I was talking with my brother Dallas. And began talking about evil and the Garden of Eden. We began to imagine and wonder whether evil might have been a movement away from tacit knowledge of God. Basically, evil as
A couple of days ago I was asked why I’ve named my on-line journal and. I desire to bridge between. Where there is an ‘us’ and ‘them’ I want to be the and. Where there is black and white, male
A new confession of Christ. I wholeheartedly endorse this statement. Thanks to Jim Wallis and the thoughtful people over at Sojourners. Peace, dwight 1. Jesus Christ, as attested in Holy Scripture, knows no national boundaries. Those who confess his name
To say that the internet is changing web of life in an understatement. The once, assumed claim that Americans are largely isolated individuals is certainly being emailed, IM’ed, live-journaled, blogged, gamed, webbed, surfed into new territory. Tim Bedner’s “We Know
Things are getting a bit crazy on my side of the keyboard. I will be posting as often as I am able but have much to do these days. If God happens to bring me to your mind, please pray
As I’ve continued reflecting on Orthobalance and aided greatly by those who posted comments, and a conversation I had with Bryan Burton. I’m beginning to lean a bit more to the term Orthoparadox (in part due to Mike O’s comment
Yesterday while reading the early pages of the Genesis account of God’s acts of creation I noticed something that until now I haven’t seen, or least hadn’t been able to receive. As you may remember from the creation accounts there
In yesterday’s entry I coined a term that I want to play with a bit more… At least I think I coined a term; who knows maybe the word is used in neurology or something. Orthobalance = the “right balance”
The Beloved Disciple records many of Christ’s statements of self and mission like his “I am…” and “I have come…” declarations. One of these is recorded in the tenth chapter of the John’s Gospel. It is here we witness Christ
In last night’s in Thinking Theologically class a we were looking at God as Creator. And side-tracked into an excellent conversation about the origin of evil, and whether or not God creates evil. Did spoken language exist prior to God’s
Recently I heard Ken Myers interview Vincent Miller regarding his new book Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture. The interview was outstanding. And dealt with, how the commodification of everything affects our sense of religious faith
This morning I was graced to be with Jamal Rahman; a kind, humble, and open Islamic cleric and author of the outstanding book, The Fragrance of Faith: the enlightened heart of Islam. I want to learn in praxis how to
I’ve been reading a bunch of Biblical Theology this summer. Something that I am beginning to question is what Paul, Mark, Matthew, John, et al thought they were inviting people to when inviting people to follow Christ. I’m pretty sure
I’ve continued sitting with the idea of being “created for not knowing.” Which has going back to scripture’s creation accounts, to look afresh at what immediately follows the introduction of the knowledge of good and evil. Shame rushes in as an accuser; and
My friend Jacob popped by for a few minutes today – I really love it when friends drop by especially unannounced – always a nice surprise. And he tells me about a conversation he was having while mountain climbing with
So I’m thinking of participating in the theological conversation sponsored by emergent featuring Walter Brueggemann. I’ve deeply appreciated Dr. Brueggemann’s and his ongoing contribution to biblical scholarship. It would be great to interact with other emergent theologians in an intimate
Todd Trembley – who is fast becoming one of my favorite people – is also one of the most creative thinkers I know. He’s got me thinking about Satan… of all things! Could it be that Satan is the ultimate
I grew up in Southern Manitoba (Canada). This was and still is Mennonite country. Mennonites are a Christian religious sect in the Anabaptist tradition taking our name from a dynamic Dutch leader named Menno Simmons, who was born in Friesland
I’m wondering whether we may have mislabeled Genesis chapter 3. We commonly refer to this the events of this narrative as “the fall.” Fall frames it pretty I wondering what might happen if rather than viewing that narrative as a
As you my know, I am strive to live a life of non-violence. Well, I had lunch with Paul Steinke yesterday and we were talking about violence and Christian responses and he was lovingly challenging me on my stance, and
The other day I was watching a rerun of “The Simpsons” – such a great show. It was an episode from the first season. What stood out to me was that in the first season the writers didn’t know the
Howard S. Becker once said, “Methodology is too important to be left to methodologists.” And designer Bruce Mau is quoted saying, “Avoid fields. Jump fences: disciplinary boundaries and regulatory regimes are attempts to control the wilding of creative life.” I’m