world water day

world water day

Today is the international observance of World Water Day. World Water Day is a nearly 15 year old initiative that grew out of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Check out the World Council of Churches statement on



Paragraph If you haven’t already seen this music video from the Icelandic band, Sigur Ros, take a few moments to receive it. Tim introduced it to me last night. Glósóli music video The music video to Glósóli from ‘Takk…’: Windows

Beyond Indifference

Beyond Indifference

Here is a short clip of Elie Wiesel urging us to move beyond indifference – “fight indifference”.  It seems to me that indifference is the fuel powering power.  Indifference when combined with fear makes tyranny almost inevitable.  Incarnate-grace may be the Christ response. 

faith & race

faith & race

Eugene Cho and Q-Seattle are hosting a conference addressing Faith & Race with Bob Ekblad. One of the great opportunities for today’s white – majority culture – church is to step with even greater intentionality and resolve into conversations exploring the

Anabaptist & Loving It!

Anabaptist & Loving It!

I grew up in Southern Manitoba (Canada). This was and still is Mennonite country. Mennonites are a Christian religious sect in the Anabaptist tradition taking our name from a dynamic Dutch leader named Menno Simmons, who was born in Friesland

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