metaphor of movement

metaphor of movement

The following quote is from Eugene Peterson’s, Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places: A Conversation in Spiritual Theology.  Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2005, 337-8. For some reason I feel compelled to share it… enjoy! Peace, dwight “Rick Bass,



Artist Ed Traub recently passed a great quote on to me from Mark Rothko’s book: Artist’s Reality: Philosophies of Art. “Like the old ideal of God, the abstraction itself in its nakedness is never directly apprehensible to us. As in

room for superman?

room for superman?

Superman is scheduled to make a comeback in 2006.  In the wake of the recent “back-story” Spiderman and Batman movies some critics are asking if there is room for an Übermensch “overman” (Superman).  It certainly will be interesting to see

canada day

canada day

Even after living in the United States of America for fifteen years, it still strikes me as odd when July 1st rolls around. You see north of the 49th parallel Canadians celebrate Canada Day while I simply go about my

more on batman

more on batman

I want to say a bit more regarding yesterday’s batman no more post. Bruce Wayne was certainly striving to be compassionate, in fact Batman’s compassion one of the key themes of the film. Liam Neesson’s character saw Bruce Wayne’s compassion

batman no more

batman no more

Lynette and I just watched Batman Begins and while I watched the film I couldn’t help but think of the protestant reformation.  Was I watching Bruce Wayne or Martin Luther and John Calvin – frankly they seem so similar. The storyline is of

Making Peace

Making Peace

Making Peace by Denise Levertov (1923-1997) A voice from the dark called out, “The poets must give us imagination of peace, to oust the intense, familiar imagination of disaster. Peace, not only the absence of war.” But peace, like a poem,



OK – so its time for a bit of a site redesign.  I’m still creating all the links and transferring the files but until that is completed the following link will let you navigate my former site. What you are

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