I have never been a big fan of the ways the United States of America celebrates on July 4th. “Independence” is often a destructive myth which diminishes the importance of relationship. The holiday often seems like an excuse for championing erroneous notions of American exceptionalism and nationalism, while white(ness)washing the origin story of the country.

This year there is a growing #Cancel4thOfJuly protest in the wake of the Supreme Court’s partisan vote overturning Roe vs Wade.

I don’t understand why so many of the powers that be in this nation seem so resistant to seeking a more faithful owning of the real stories and histories of this land. I’m a believer that truth sets free. If this country really values freedom then it should desire to move to ever more truthful embracing of its stories… all of them.

The USA has some ideals that are to be applauded, and there many moments in the American experiment worth honoring. But it is not “God’s country.” It is not a “City on a Hill.” It is not exceptional. It sure as hell is not the “promised land.” Nor is not better than other nations… and it certainly is not “independent.”

And, yes, I grieve the overturning of Roe vs Wade… I grieve this decision as a student of scripture, as a professional theologian, as a pastor, and as a person who seeks to live in the Jesus Way.

Peace, dwight

Not Observing “Independence” Day
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