I participated in my first Micah Global in the Fall of 2018. Practitioners and thought leaders from all over the world with strong emphasis on majority world leaders gathered in the Philippines. Micah Global describes itself as a global Christian community of organisations and individuals committed to integral mission, marked by the four core values… Christ Centred, Equity, Humility, and Unity. You can follow them on: Twitter or Facebook.

I had hoped to participate in the 2020 Asia Regional Consultation in person in Taiwan, but COVID. It moved online, and started yesterday. While the time change makes it difficult to take in all the sessions it’s so good to learn from leaders in different parts of the world. The focus of this year’s event is the role of Christians in advocacy and change in the public square.

Government structures, civil society and community gatherings at a grass-roots level are all spheres of the public square that shape community wellbeing. This consultation seeks to unpack the why and the how of public square dynamics and explore what the church’s role is in the public square within the Asian context. As a minority faith group, often restricted and marginalised, the space to engage is sometimes assumed to be too difficult. Through robust discussion, drawing on theology and good practice examples, they hope to discern what God is inviting of followers of Jesus to say and do, both regionally and nationally in Asia.

Micah Global: Asia Regional Consultation
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