Craig Morton and Cody Stauffer of the All that’s Holy Blue Collar Podcast (a podcast of The Mission Place) invited Tom Sine and I to a conversation about our new book. According to its site, the Mission Place is not where mission takes place, rather it provides resources so your can enter into mission. Mission place has three foci: it does theology, it coaches leaders, and it listens deeply.

From our conversation they released their 31st episode. When they posted it Craig and Cody mentioned that they hadn’t talked for a while and ended up recording a long podcast, so if you want to jump to the conversation with Tom and I about 2020s Foresight you’ll need to fast-forward to 47 minutes & 30 sections. Tom and I had a blast talking with these two, I hope you enjoy!

Cody Stauffer
Craig Morton

This episode of their podcast went live, October 4, 2020… our interview starts @ minute 47.5.

Click HERE for Episode 31

Peace, dwight

All that’s Holy Blue Collar Podcast
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