Blessed Maundy Thursday… God’s invitation to “wash up before dinner.”
Imagine a God who doesn’t demand your worship, mindless obedience, or tithes but actually serves you out of love, simply because that’s who God is…
Imagine a God, so located within God’s own identity that God isn’t concerned what others would think, nor bows to sociatial, religious, or cultural pressures but is present to what is most real…
Imagine a God who takes the most holy day of your tradition(s) and through God’s own presence throws open the table so that all are welcome, especially those who’ve been told in a thousand ways that they don’t deserve a seat…
Imagine a God who dines with those riddled with doubt, or who think that God isn’t revolutionary enough/or in the “right” ways, or who even deny or betray God…
Imagine a God who desires – even needs – real relationships, communing as the Godhead, and with friends…even if God’s friends can’t seem to stay awake…
Imagine a God who rejects violence enacted on God’s behalf, healing the oppressor and inviting followers to put away their weapons…
Imagine a God who suffers…
That’s the kind of God I’d be interested in getting to know.
As far as I understand, this is getting at the role Maundy Thursday plays in the annual enactment of Christ’s life; this is getting at what we are observing and remembering and discovering afresh.
Have a blessed Maundy Thursday, and for Christ’s sake wash up before dinner!
Peace, dwight