

Sunday we light the third candle of Advent… its the pink or rose colored Gaudete candle; from the Latin word meaning, “rejoice.”  Advent is a season of anticipation. Anticipation can be imagined as the necessary, if not complex blending of

Palm Sunday 2020

Palm Sunday 2020

Have a blessed Palm Sunday my friends! Weird to think about Jesus riding a donkey into the city of Jerusalem amidst Covid19. Looks more like Will Smith’s “I am Legend” than the Gospel accounts. The streets empty, no pruned palm



Christ is risen! _ _! “Death and taxes,” well… after the resurrection of Christ, I suppose taxes are the only inevitable thing remaining. Death doesn’t win! The grave isn’t the last word. Thanks be to God! It’s often said because

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Blessed Maundy Thursday… God’s invitation to “wash up before dinner.” Imagine a God who doesn’t demand your worship, mindless obedience, or tithes but actually serves you out of love, simply because that’s who God is… Imagine a God, so located

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