As we know, or are being reminded everywhere in the media, “Impeachment” at least in the USAmerica is the process by which the House of Representatives (Congress) brings charges against a civil federal officer, the vice president, or the president for misconduct alleged to have been committed.
Today began the impeachment hearing of 45. The American myth of justice – all standing equal before the law – has long been proven to be a form of gaslighting by those in power, there is still a small part of me that holds hope. That the president of this country could be held to account in the same way that a black man in nearly any USAmerican city would be held to account for an alleged crime… but its tragically laughable. No one seriously expects justice to reign.
Any person who listens to human history knows that “justice” has a way of bending toward the powerful.
So, the hearings began today. And 45 will likely be impeached… and rightly so (from my limited knowledge)… and it will very likely make no difference. This system isn’t designed for Shalom, its designed to maintain the status quo. And until we as individuals and as a collective can imagine something better than the nightmare that is the “American Dream” such puppet shows will continue.
So we’ll all get caught up in the antics of the hearings for a few weeks until our gas prices jump up, or 45 does something even more aggresse, or the next natural disaster, or the next war, or squirrel…
Listen, there are reasons we are so easily distracted. We are conditioned to be more afraid of the unknown rustling in the woods than the known threat sitting in office. Lets be honest, it is also very hard – at least for those who have benefited from this system – to acknowledge that the narratives, values, practices, and systems of this country create and sustain a plausibly structure rendering this kind of “presidency” as legitimate as it serves the rich and powerful. We want to be distracted, because sitting with the reality exposes our complicity, and might dare us to act unto a more perfect union.
Let’s never forget, that the fall of nearly every empire throughout history began with similar internal power imbalances and failures of justice.
Happy impeachment season! Remember not to put your hope in politics, your hope deserves better.
Peace, dwight