On this July 4th when the United States of America celebrates its birth as a nation, the myth of its “independence” feels like a cruel blending of narcissism, racism, sexism, classism, and naturism… Independence for whom? From whom?

American “independence” seems like it works if you can pass as a white, heteronormative, able-bodied, cisgender male, with education and/or means. Independence is a lie. It is destructive myth reinforcing a narrative privileging the few.

The day is a testament against the nation itself. Sure this date may commemorate its “independence” from British rule but the country was still entirely dependent on aboriginal and enslaved peoples. The myth of independence is a form of National narrative erasure rewriting its origin stories as good, Christian, and available to all.

Seattle’s legendary Jimi Hendrix has something important to say.

Peace, dwight

Jimi Hendrix & “Independence”
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