Dr. Shelly Rambo recently served as The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology’s 3rd Stanley Grenz Lecturer. Dr. Shelly Rambo, a constructive theologian and author of Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining. She focused on “Resurrection Wounds.”

Dr. Rambo present two lectures:

Part 1: Wounds Surfacing

“Wounds Surfacing,” Rambo explored the meaning of resurrection as viewed through a post-traumatic lens. Working with therapeutic insights and the biblical narratives, the image of the wounded-resurrected Jesus offers a starting point for reflection. Rambo invited us to imagine how these wounds might be a more productive symbol within Christian faith by pointing not to the afterlife in a traditional sense, but to the present afterlife of trauma. Might we develop a theology of resurrecting wounds, and is there a testimony within the gospels that contributes something unique to the current discourse among the therapeutic disciplines?

Part 2: “Wounds Resurrecting”

In part two, “Wounds Resurrecting,” Rambo continued an exploration of the meaning of resurrection as viewed through a post-traumatic lens. This included a conversation that tied together therapeutic insights and the biblical narratives to portray an image of the wounded-resurrected Jesus.

Peace, dwight

Dr. Shelly Rambo, 2015 Grenz Lecture
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