As Lynette, Pascal, and I have been thinking about the rhythms of our lives, we want to experiment with bringing our everyday lives in our neighborhood with our spirituality.  While we don’t exactly know what that all means, we’d like to begin by hosting a monthly “soup & liturgy” gathering in our home.  What we’re imagining is a space to connect with a few others for a short guided centering time after a bowl of soup.  Everyone is welcome, come and join us.

First Thursday of the each month, from 6:30-7:30 PM

Our first gathering will be January 7th, followed by February 4th, then March 3rd.

If you’re interested in participating and have questions or just want to hear more, feel free to contact me, or if you know someone who lives, works, or studies in the neighborhood who might be interested you are welcome to forward this link.

Peace, dwight

Lake Hills Soup & Liturgy
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