This week is the fourth annual gathering of the fairly new ecumenical group, Christian Churches Together (CCT), and this year’s meeting brings them to Seattle, and are being hosted by World Vision.
CCT has invited me to facilitate a couple of workshops on Emergent.
From their “What We Do” tab on their site they state:
“The purpose of Christian Churches Together is to enable churches and national Christian organizations to grow closer together in Christ in order to strengthen our Christian witness in the world. The by-laws list seven specific tasks:
- to celebrate a common confession of faith in the Triune God,
- to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer and theological dialogue,
- to provide fellowship and mutual support,
- to seek better understanding of each other by affirming our commonalities and understanding our differences,
- to foster evangelism faithful to the proclamation of the gospel,
- to speak to society with a common voice whenever possible, and
- to promote the common good of society and engage in other activities consistent with its purposes.
To fulfill its purpose of growing closer to Christ and to each other, Christian Churches Together focuses, in its annual meeting, on praying together, discerning the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer and theological dialogues, and providing fellowship and mutual support. Out of this process, participants discern how and when to take action together in common witness to our society. In 2006, CCT began to address the scandal of domestic poverty; specific proposals for CCT actions will be brought to the next annual meeting for consideration and decision.
CCT encounters Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.”
Peace, dwight