For many, if not most people, today’s observation of “St. Valentine’s day” has come to underscore some of the deepest pains and greatest longings of our lives.
The day is also one of the very few days on our calendar which specifically highlights and celebrates relationships. Thus it is no wonder that so many people dread this day. Maybe you’ve heard about the Oregon man who was organizing a mass suicide earmarked to take place today, (police are still trying to figure out whether this was serious or a hoax, but 32 people were involved). For those in romantic relationships the day provides a great excuse for intrafixation (I’m not sure that’s a word).
As it happens I will be facilitating a discussion of the Holy Spirit in a theology class today. You may remember that Augustine is credited with giving us the language of the Spirit as the “bond of love.” So it feels both fitting and potentially disconcerting to theologically engage the bond of love when so many are aware of their need for love and their failure in love, to love, with love . . . even for those in romantic relationships this day often serves to invite the persons back to love.
It always amazes me that the things we desire most we can not fabricate.
For all of us who are love hungry,
I pray satisfaction.
For all of us who are relationship thirsty,
I pray overflowing cup.
Lord, I confess my inability to love, and I confess that You love me.
Peace, dwight