I am looking for the book and page number – in the original source – where I can find the following quotes. Somehow I lost them. Usually I do a pretty good job of recording my readings and my citations; I have a system. Given my loss of the citations I feel less confident that I have associated the quote with the correct person… to my ear the quotes sound like people I’ve listed… who knows maybe I didn’t even get the quote right… anyway, if you recognize any of these and can help me out, I’d be more than grateful.
Peace, dwight
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The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl G. Jung … source?
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Because each existence is in constant change, there is no abiding self.
Shunryn Suzuki …source?
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Die before ye die.
Muhammad …source?
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You need chaos within, to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche …Source?
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In the absence of epistemology what we are left with is hermeneutics.
Richard Rorty …Source?
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This fellow quotes the Jung saying on his site. Maybe he know the source of the quote.
Todd M. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Chemistry
Adrian College
Adrian, MI 49221
work: (517) 264-3971
fax: (517) 264-3520
e-mail: thamilton@adrian.edu
okay, here you go. (i hope i\m not too late…) is html allowed? i guess i\ll find out…
jung quote: \"Modern Man in Search of a Soul,\" Carl Jung, p. 49
suzuki quote: \"Zen Mind, Beginner\s Mind: informal talks on Zen meditation and practice,\" Shunryu Suzuki, Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo 1970/1994, p. 102
muhammad quote: as far as i can tell, this is a quote that is \"attributed\" to muhammad. i couldn\t find it in the koran – the only reference i can find is the following: \"whoso knoweth himself,\" Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi
neitzsche quote: found in the prologue to zarathustra section 5 which is also in: \"the portable neitzche\" neitzche, walter kaufmann, viking press, new york, 1954 p. 129
that\s all i\ve got. sorry for how sloppy my citations are…