In dialogue with my friend Thomas, we found ourselves wondering about the church as trans. Take a look at the “da Vinci Code” for some of the impetus for the discussion.

The church seems to struggle with its identity.

One of the recurring metaphors used in Scripture is the community of Christ followers as the “Bride,” with Christ as the “Groom.” Yet church acts male. Many of the church’s forms and structures, leadership systems and leadership roles, even titles, are predominately male; from being missional, to being driven, authoritarian to hierarchal, etc.

What might it look like if churches opened up to receive, rather than aggressively pursue? To present itself to the world rather than engage in a conquering pursuit?

Words matters. I generally try to be wise in my use of language, and clearly language around sex, sexuality, and gender seems to be evolving even more rapidly than most realms, so I feel the need for an extra measure of care so as to respect the diversity of human experience. And maybe, due in part to the evolution of language around human sexuality new insights and metaphors and ideas are abounding. If you hear ways I can be more thoughtful in my use of language, I would value your input.

Peace, dwight

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