Though I wouldn’t define myself as “process” or “open” theologian – I also wont say that I’m not a process or open theologian – by faith I believe God and humans can have a real relationship. That God walks with us, and God’s responses and actions are relationally dynamic.

In my cynical moments, I sometimes wonder whether a “reformed” person can have a “relationship” with God.

Relationship seem to require interaction and are development in nature. If you take out the possibility of my interaction impacting and changing God then what’s the point “my” talking – prayer would be reduced to little more than personal therapy. 

Similar to Saunder’s, I say: Yes, God does risk. Risk is core to love and to relationship.

Relationships are radically demanding of all participants in relationship. That is why this conversation raises the standard of discipleship. In much Reformed theology little is demanded of the “Christ-follower”, in relational theology the individual and the community are dynamic players in this thing we call the Kin-dom.

Dare I say it; I am beginning to believe that the institutional church is humanity’s attempt to control the Spirit of God.

Peace, dwight

Relational Risk
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