I’m wrestling with “Incarnational living” and wondering about the relationship of syncretism & incarnation. Doesn’t it seem that to be incarnate is to enter in fully… to be present… even while holding imagination for “in yet not of” there may be something here to explore. The incarnation of God in Jesus the Christ, for example… Jesus was encounter as fully human, sexed as male, culturally/religiously Jewish, and such.
- Like STDs, the only sure fire way for the church to “protect” herself from syncretism is abstinence.
- Of course one can wear protection, doing the best to stay pure while relating with the infected.
- Or one can contract an STD themselves and never worry about the issue again.
Which is most like the incarnation of Christ?
In focusing on the dangers of syncretism do we place dogma (and other externals) at the center of Christianity rather the person of Christ? We may be exposing our mistrust in the Spirit’s sanctifying process. Not trusting that God will in fact guide his people in all Truth (Christ).
When we see signs of syncretism it may in fact be an invitation for us to befriend and walk alongside. Who knows, in the process God may reveal that it was us who were “guilty” of syncretism.
Peace, dwight