I enjoy making soup. I literally have a pot of soup on right now. So see a few months back Lynette and I made a ham. And in my mind, any ham meal has a soup chaser. I put the ham bone in the freezer for a rainy day. Guess what – its raining!

And speaking of soup – Pascal brought a DVD home from the library with a collection of children’s fables and myths. One of the stories on the DVD is, “Stone Soup.”

“Stone Soup” may well be among my favorite metaphors of church or worship. In some ways modern church has made worship a veritable banquet – a sensory feast. I want to foster ownership of the soup – I want to make the meal unique as the people gathering – each one bringing the cabbage, the carrot, the potato as they are able. The banquet looks better, it may even taste better, certainly it gets more attention. But that is not my calling.

In the end it may not matter whether we “Stone soup’ed” or “Banqueted.” It seems a more important question might be: are those hungering and thirsting finding nourishment? And are they finding someone to eat with?

peace, dwight

stone soup
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One thought on “stone soup

  • September 1, 2004 at 5:57 PM

    great metaphorical application!

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