Signs of the Times: Pastoral Translations of Ministry & Culture in Honor of Leonard I. Sweet

Edited by Brian A. Ross
This chapter was written as part of a festschrift to honor the life and work of Leonard I. Sweet, who was one of Dr. Friesen’s doctoral dissertation readers.
Dwight’s contribution reimagines the “crises” of our lives as one of primary ways God transforms our imaginable sense of self and vocation. Implicit in any crisis is a dare to trust the story of God in the midst of what feels like chaos. Such trust in God invites the discerning questions:

Where have you been?
Where are you going? and,
What’s going on here?
Dwight’s chapter is titled: “What’s Going on Here? Trusting God’s Story in Your Own”
Dwight regularly leads workshops, retreats, and speaks about listening to one’s story and transforming crises into opportunity inviting folks to listen for God in hard places.
- Signs of the Times, released April 2016, by Wipf & Stock
From the back cover of Signs of the Times…
“All ministry leaders concern themselves with the intersection of Jesus-centered ministry and contemporary culture. They ask themselves questions such as,
What do we need to change in order to keep up with a wired world?
What should never change?
What are the nonnegotiables of faith in Jesus?
Many have attempted to answer these questions. However, most of these leaders offer solutions that the everyday ministry leader simply cannot replicate.
‘Signs of the Times’ is a unique offering to those who wrestle with the mash-up of ministry and culture. All of the contributors have found success within their ministries, and yet most do not minister to thousands on a weekly basis. Additionally, all of them have had the privilege of studying directly with Dr. Leonard I. Sweet.
Despite having authored more than fifty books, Sweet can still be a bit of an enigma. Many of his readers have been deeply influenced by him, and yet they may still struggle to understand what his insights might mean for their ministry.
Each of the contributors to this work thoughtfully engages with a key idea that they personally learned from Sweet and they translate it for ministry in the early twenty-first century.”
From the Back cover

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