Orthoparadoxy: Emerging Hope for Embracing Difference

The Christian tradition uniquely holds mystery or paradox in a way that fosters faith in God, humility in relationship to the other, and openness to discover God’s truth. Many of our core beliefs are paradoxical: God is Three & One, Christ is fully God & fully human, human beings are sinners & saints, kingdom is now & not yet, etc.
Beyond orthodoxy (right belief) and orthopraxy (right practice) this piece explores right or wise ways to hold paradox and mystery in such a way actually helps us move toward reconciling relationship. How we hold mystery is a profoundly Christian formative practice that is vital in a cultural in a context marked by destructive and false binary thinking.
Dwight regularly leads workshops, retreats, and speaks about the holding greater complexity in Christian theology and practice. You can reach him here.
• Chapter 17 in An Emerging Manifesto of Hope
• Edited by Doug Pagitt & Tony Jones
• Published by Baker Books, 2007.
From the back cover of An Emerging Manifesto of Hope…
“Since the emerging church started grabbing headlines early this millennium, it has been labeled many different things. A movement. A conversation. A friendship. Some even call it a scandal.
‘An Emergent Manifesto of Hope ‘ is a coming together of divergent voices into a collection of writings that will bring you into the latest thinking of the emerging church. You will have a front-row seat as both established leaders and up-and-comers in this influential international movement grapple with how to be faithful Christians in today’s ever-changing cultural context. More than twenty-five contributors present honest, compelling, and at times highly personal reflections on topics like spiritual formation, social justice, sex, church and community, evangelism, racial reconciliation, postcolonialism, and the Bible.
As you engage these reflections, you will come away with a deeper understanding of the hopeful imagination that drives the emerging church. And you will appreciate the beauty of a conversation that is continually being formed and, by its unique nature, defies one, univocal message.”
DEscription from the book’s Back COver