At various points in his journey, Dwight has benefited from wise guides; people who – though their paths were particular – shared their journeys. Sometimes through their wisdom, words, or presence, his path became clearer, other times he understood what he must NOT do or become, but most often they shifted his conversation. Dwight’s wise guides have come from many places, traditions, cultures, and moments in time. Reading and writing is an important form of participation in the great conversation that has been going on for centuries.

“Writing empowers me talk with ancestors, engage contemporaries, interrogate my own heart, prayerfully open to up to what is alive within, and – if I’m lucky – further the great conversation just a little. It is never my goal to prescribe what another ‘ought’ do or think, but to aid in one’s quest for greater resonance with the real.”
Dr. Dwight J. Friesen
Below are a few of the books Dwight has written or contributed to, as well as a list of some of the writings by others he penned endorsements for over the years, followed by a link to all his blog posts dating back to October of 2000. Or you can click here for his “Author’s Page” on Amazon.
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