in the service of inquiry

in the service of inquiry

The following was written by theologian LeRon Shults, and was sent out in today’s Emergent/C (the newsletter of emergent). “The coordinators of Emergent have often been asked (usually by their critics) to proffer a doctrinal statement that lays out clearly

holy saturday

holy saturday

This morning the thought struck me afresh that Holy Saturday is the Sabbath; Christ’s day in the tomb was the day of rest. The thought took me back to the late Alan Lewis’ wonderful book, Between Cross & Resurrection: A

marvel comics

marvel comics

Ronna Miller led a small group of us (Molly the wise, Jen the passionate, and Paul the great), at MHGS in Advent reflection this morning. Ronna guided our hearts and minds around the theme of “marveling.” It was a thoughtful

batman no more

batman no more

Lynette and I just watched Batman Begins and while I watched the film I couldn’t help but think of the protestant reformation.  Was I watching Bruce Wayne or Martin Luther and John Calvin – frankly they seem so similar. The storyline is of

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