Last month Kathryn Schulz delivered an outstanding TED talk on the idea of “Being Wrong.” Early in her talk she askes her audience what it feels like to be wrong. The audience responds with. “awful”, thumbs-down, embarrassing, etc. To which
Yesterday while reading the early pages of the Genesis account of God’s acts of creation I noticed something that until now I haven’t seen, or least hadn’t been able to receive. As you may remember from the creation accounts there
I’m wondering whether we may have mislabeled Genesis chapter 3. We commonly refer to this the events of this narrative as “the fall.” Fall frames it pretty I wondering what might happen if rather than viewing that narrative as a
Complexity seems to find its fullness in beauty. So I’m not sure I connect as much with the subtle message that complexity is bad and beauty is good. Some people speak of God as a God of order rather than
What is sin? It seems it may be time to move toward an understanding of sin as a social construction rooted in time and space. Romans 14 has always painted a picture where what is “sin” for one may not