Sunday we light the third candle of Advent… its the pink or rose colored Gaudete candle; from the Latin word meaning, “rejoice.” Advent is a season of anticipation. Anticipation can be imagined as the necessary, if not complex blending of
WEBINAR 3 – Lament & Imagination: A Theological Response to a Covid-19 World Wednesday June 24, 9:00–11:00 AM Eastern Time… that’s 6:00AM for those of us on the West Coast of the USA. I will serve as a participant in the third
Dr. Chelle Stearns was the 2019 Stanley Grenz Lecture Series presenter. It’s a lecture offered in honor of former Professor Stanley Grenz, a prolific Christian scholar with a pastoral heart and deep intellectual presence. In his memory, each year The
On November 6, The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology hosted its 5th annual Stanley Grenz Lecture Series. This year, we were grateful to have as our featured speaker, Reverend Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, a professor, pastor and dynamic author whose