Today I get to spend the day at a retreat center East of Seattle with leaders and theologians from The Seattle School exploring our next steps into the future of theological education and ministry formation. So very grateful to the
Well, I’m finished with classes for the trimester. Of course, there is still assessment of student work to complete, a few details for next trimester’s syllabi and online classrooms to button up, and preparations for the January low-residency retreat and
I think its safe to say, that at no other time in church history has “gathering” been so contested. Do we meet in person or online? Health and safety needs bump into our traditioned liturgical practices. If online how? How
The 2021 Fall trimester begins today at The Seattle School. If my math if correct term marks the starting of my 53rd trimester at this school. In the off chance that anyone needed a reminder of the impermanence of all
Earlier this week The Seattle School held its 2021 Instructional Team Orientation retreat, during which Dr. President Derek McNeil delivered an address. He organized his talk around “Sankofa.” Which as you may know, is a word from the Akan Twi
If Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;
I find the metaphor of a gardener to be a fertile one in helping me feel and think my way into my work as a formational educator. Rather than tending to fruits, vegetables, and flowers, I picture my formational role
So I’m in the process of writing a short piece exploring Christian spiritual/identity formation in a post-Christendom context. I’m desperately looking for any recommended websites, readings or other resources that might help me get a better sense of the shift
I’ve been having a great time finishing my syllabus for a course exploring the Theology of Spiritual Formation which I will be guiding this summer. This is not a course in the practice or practices of formation but is a
Mars Hill Graduate School is hosting the Leadership Crucible . . . a leading expereince, Thursday, March 9 – Saturday, March 11, 2006. This will be an interactive exploration into team leadership. I highly recommend it. peace, dwight
The fall trimester has begun; and I have the unspeakable privilege of teaching a full load at MHGS. The paths along which I get to serve as a guide are: An Introduction to the Hermeneutical Task: The Art of Reading
Howard S. Becker once said, “Methodology is too important to be left to methodologists.” And designer Bruce Mau is quoted saying, “Avoid fields. Jump fences: disciplinary boundaries and regulatory regimes are attempts to control the wilding of creative life.” I’m
It seems that many of the worship gatherings within the world of emerging churches reinforce dualism. Without meaning to, they seem to say, “When we’re together, we’re worshipping” and “when we’re not, we’re not.” I can’t help but wonder how
I’ve been having this overwhelming sense that western protestant white Church “worship services” may ultimately have the opposite effect that we hope for. Among other things, we intend to lift up Christ, to praise him, and so on, however. The
Thinking about worship… What is it that the church can do in worship corporately that the church can’t do individually? How did worship devolve from a wholistic way of life to a gathering on a Sunday morning? What if how
“Go to church” . . . what does this even mean? I sense it may be time for us to collaborate toward destroying the erroneous notion of “going to Church.” Jesus never told us to “go” to anything. Jesus’ invitation
I have a working document, that I began as a seminarian, outlining my current understanding of the process of discipleship as seen through a church or community of faith. I was heavily influenced in the creation of this by a