Blessed Maundy Thursday… …God’s invitation to, “wash up before dinner!” Imagine a God who doesn’t demand your worship, mindless obedience, or tithes but actually serves you out of love, simply because that’s who God is… Imagine a God, so located
This coming Wednesday – one week from today – begins an intentional journey inviting spiritual seekers to join in solidarity with suffering and all who suffer. It is a season to hold with honest generosity and curiosity the suffering one
Sunday we light the third candle of Advent… its the pink or rose colored Gaudete candle; from the Latin word meaning, “rejoice.” Advent is a season of anticipation. Anticipation can be imagined as the necessary, if not complex blending of
“What Love Tells Us About God Love, which might be called the attraction of all things toward all things, is a universal language and underlying energy that keeps showing itself despite our best efforts to resist it. It is so
Christ is risen! _ _! “Death and taxes,” well… after the resurrection of Christ, I suppose taxes are the only inevitable thing remaining. Death doesn’t win! The grave isn’t the last word. Thanks be to God! It’s often said because
A new confession of Christ. I wholeheartedly endorse this statement. Thanks to Jim Wallis and the thoughtful people over at Sojourners. Peace, dwight 1. Jesus Christ, as attested in Holy Scripture, knows no national boundaries. Those who confess his name
I’ve been reading a bunch of Biblical Theology this summer. Something that I am beginning to question is what Paul, Mark, Matthew, John, et al thought they were inviting people to when inviting people to follow Christ. I’m pretty sure
I’m wrestling with “Incarnational living” and wondering about the relationship of syncretism & incarnation. Doesn’t it seem that to be incarnate is to enter in fully… to be present… even while holding imagination for “in yet not of” there may