

I just finished reading Ron Martoia’s new book, Static: Tune out the “Christian Noise” and Experience the Real Message of Jesus. And I have to say that it is really a good read, not only well written but in the

Passion of God

Passion of God

“In beholding God’s central purpose, I found my own purpose. In touching His passion, I found my own passion.” – Frank Viola Frank Viola has been an innovative leader in the simple church/house church movement for some years. His recent

connecting books

connecting books

Some more “relationality” recommended readings. For one of my prior lists, click here. Zygmunt Bauman, Liquid Love: On the Frailty of Human Bonds Wendell Berry, What Are People For? Walter Brueggemann, The Covenanted Self: Explorations in Law and Covenant John

hosting an open table

hosting an open table

One of my favorite books of 2003 was Conrad Gempf’s Jesus Asked. Gempf’s new book is titled, Mealtime habits of the Messiah: 40 encounters with Jesus. It is a glorious journey through Christ’s radically open table (though of course is

hubbing texts

hubbing texts

Leadership is an Art, by Max DePree The Tale of Three Kings, by Gene Edwards The Emergence of Leadership, by Douglas Griffin Connective Leadership, Jean Lipman-Blumen Complexity and Management, by Ralph D. Stacey The Paradox of Control in Organizations, by

relationality texts

relationality texts

Bold Love, by Dan Allender Linked, by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Holy Trinity, Perfect Community, by Leonardo Boff Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sanctorum Communio, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Nexus, by Mark Buchanan I and Thou, by Martin Buber The Love of God,

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