Dr. Dwight J. Friesen is an impassioned communicator, thinking partner, and advisor to some of the world’s most innovative local churches, ministries and missional organizations.

He regularly speaks to groups seeking to shift their conversation just a little… sometimes more than “a little.” As you know, bringing in an “outside” perspective can be instrumental when navigating organizational change, big or small. Dwight understands that no one knows your group quite like you do, making it his mission to help you lead it courageously into its future.
While he is a thought leader, consultant, and pastor, his passion for speaking is to support groups, churches, organizations, and training programs to missionally and communally flourish while becoming even more faithfully present. Dwight wants to see y’all thrive.

“I do what I do to support leaders as they lead their groups into greater faithful presence within their local contexts. I am here to help leaders evolve their organizations’ conservations and practices.”
Dr. Dwight J. Friesen
Dwight speaks with leadership teams, not-for-profit organizations, and NGOs; participates in multi-faith and ecumenical conversations; and frequently speaks at colleges, universities, seminaries, church expressions, and with a wide array of Christian denominations & traditions. And is available for interviews, podcasts, webinars, Zoom meetings, conferences, retreats, pulpit supply, retreats, and other events.

1. Set-up a Conversation
Arrange an initial, personal conversation with Dr. Dwight J. Friesen.

2. Clarify Details
Confirm dates & times, themes & goals, modalities & logistics, etc.

3. Conversation Expands
Dwight joins your group to aid y’all in moving toward your mission.
He may be best imagined as a “facilitator,” integrating mini-talks, media, discussions, Questions & Responses, smaller group conversations, art, neighborhood/nature walks, spiritual practices, and the like in his speaking. Desiring to steward his presence so as to facilitate meaningful conversation, collective growth, and Shalomic discovery around your group’s goals.
Please note, that Dwight will not knowingly participate in conferences or other multi-speaker events where only able-body, white, heteronormative, cisgender males are presenting.

Dwight’s Speaking Themes Include…
- Narrative Integration: God’s Shalomic story, the story or your place, & the story of your group,
- Fostering Practices for Rooting in place while linking with others,
- Guiding groups to listen to their collective narrative,
- Releasing a group’s Shalomic imagination,
- Network theory for organizations,
- Signs of the church emerging after Christendom,
- Helping groups open to complexity & recover theology as paradox,
- Mission as faithful presence,
- Guiding communities to listen to & learn from their context,
- Reframing crises as Shalomic design opportunities,
- Reading Scripture through a particular neighborhood,
- Parish church & leadership . . .
Set-up a Conversation

Speaking & Facilitating