Facilitate Your Future
Guide your leadership team & congregation in designing your ministry’s future!
In light of all you and your group have navigated since 2020 – this is a timely moment to engage others as you (re)imagine what is next for you and your ministry community. Having a personal conversation with a trusted guide often makes the way clearer, less isolated, and feel more plausible. In an era marked by so much uncertainty, a small investment of time, resources, and conversation can embolden leadership. You don’t have to feel alone. Dwight’s calling is supporting local communities of faith & practice toward a better urban future for all and everything… what Jesus described as the “Kin-dom of God.” Dwight is available for > > >

One-on-One Conversation
Engage in a personal and confidential leadership conversation about the unique challenges you and your congregation are facing within your neighborhood and beyond.

Leadership Team Conversations
Expand the ministry imagination of your ministry’s leadership team(s), be it the board, staff, or volunteers. Dr. Friesen will work with you to foster the kind of generative futures thinking your team must embrace to further its mission while becoming a community of faithful presence.

Speaking with your Congregation
Foster even greater imagination for the Shalom of God within your neighborhood by inviting Dwight to inspire and provide training for your faith community.

What questions & concerns are on your heart?
+ Who are we now?
+ In-person, or on-line… what does it mean for us to gather, and unto what?
+ How can we reimagine our church’s building and maybe even our financial strategy?
+ How has our context changed? And what might these changes be inviting of us and our ministry?
+ What might it look like for us to discover an even more faithful way of loving God, loving our neighbors, and loving ourselves?
+ How can we listen to, and learn from all our neighbors and our neighborhood?

Church Owned Property
One of the unintended consequences of the COVID lockdown and moving worship gatherings online has been the reimagination of stewarding church-owned properties. This may be an opportunity for your faith community to flip the script on your property.

Welcome & Belonging
In 2023 the USA’s Surgeon General released a report articulating an epidemic of loneliness. That loneliness combined with social fragmentation, political divisiveness, and the residue of pandemic isolation is an invitation for communities of Jesus followers to deepen their practice of welcoming all as God in Christ welcomes all.

During this season Dwight is comping the initial conversation regarding this consultation services as he simply doesn’t want you, your community, or other leaders you may know, to feel alone as you discern your paths. You can schedule an initial conversation by using this contact form or by following the Zoom link and choosing one of the already scheduled time slots that work for you.
Set up an Initial Conversation

Facilitate Your Future
Guide your leadership team & congregation in designing your ministry’s future!