If you follow my blog at all, then you know that I am passionate about helping realize the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I often say that the 17 SDGs are as audacious as they are beautiful and are a profound and practical reflection of what I hear Jesus describing as the Kin-dom of God.

You may have also heard me express some concern about the all too often top-down, bureaucratic, sometimes even colonizing approach to operationalizing and implementing the SDGs. One of the main reasons I invest so much personal and relational energy in these realms is because I see them as a faithful expression of my spiritual imagination for all and everyone. I collaborate with multi-faith leaders, scholars, and practitioners from different traditions and from all over the world to resource everyday people within our respective faith or spiritual traditions to seek to flourish for all and everything as a faithful expression of our respective traditions.

Along the way, I’ve come to treasure and learn from those guiding the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). The Inner Development Goals are 23 skills across 5 dimensions that are necessary for people to make the changes on a personal and communal level that are needed if we hope to achieve the SDGs. You can see the five Dimensions in the above graphic.

  1. Being… Relationship to Self
  2. Thinking… Cognitive Skills
  3. Relating… Caring for Others and the World
  4. Collaborating… Social Skills
  5. Acting… Driving Change

Under each of the five dimensions four or five vital skills have been articulated that help us imagine the kind of persons our world is inviting us to become. I’m finding this helpful.

Peace, dwight

Inner Development Goals
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