So I was at Café Vita in Capital Hill with Paul Steinke yesterday. We met at 2 in the afternoon, and I found free parking – yippee.
I love talking with Paul, he is one of those people who makes you feel heard and celebrated… a truly beautiful human being. So we talked much longer than I had planned, which was great. I started walking to my car and he asked if I would like a ride, so I hop in and on the way to my vehicle we pop in another café to check out its floor plan. We get back to my car or at least the spot where my car is supposed to be… my car is gone.
Did I mention that the street where I parked didn’t allow parking between 4-6? Yes – I’d been towed.
Now for some people the nearly 200 bucks for towing & ticket would be little more than an inconvenience, but $200 for Lynette and I is a lot of money. So Paul is driving me to the impound lot to retrieve my 1992 Honda, I’m feeling all the emotions; worried, sad, embarrassed, mad, frustrated, etc. while trying to save face. Of course I’m not too sure who to be mad at: the “stupid cop”, “damn towing company” – “shit, Dwight, this is so typically you, letting some of these small details go that cost you in the end.” And all manner of self-loathing internal speak that I’m growing attend to differently.
Paul kindly drives me to the impound lot. As we drove by ACT theater company I made a passing comment about how the money could have been used to for a great night out with Lynette. Paul turned to me and made a beautiful offer. Paul asked if he could pay for half providing I use the other half to take Lynette out on a nice date, while he and Sarah baby-sit Pascal. Its absurd right? Such kindness! I couldn’t say yes to that, could I?
So a friend sees me in a shameful, “Dwight” moment and offers redemption. Difficult to accept such kindness – who do I become if I say “No”?
We get my car and call my partner. She knows me too well and she loves me too much. She is grace, and she gives honor, whether I ridicule myself. Without relationships like these I’d be intolerable, but with them I might become generous and gracious.
Got any recommendations for a good show or a nice restaurant?
Peace, dwight