My life partner and I have known each other since childhood. I was five and she was six years old when we first met. The majority of our childhoods were lived in Brandon, Manitoba. Though we attended different schools we were part of the same faith community, and we each hail from robust Mennonite/Anabaptist ancestries. It was through our faith community’s youth group that we became good friends. We started dating after Lynette finished her freshman year of college, and in May of 1990 Lynette and I were married.
Our son was born in June of 2001. We named him, Pascal Brandon. “Pascal”, well ’cause its an awesome name… and after French mathematician, philosopher and theologian Blaise Pascal; and “Brandon” after the place were Lynette and I first met, fell in love, and were married.
Together we live in the Lake Hills neighborhood of Bellevue, Washington. We feel really blessed to have wonderful neighbors who help make our everyday lives rich and beautiful. Through our 30+ years of life together we have intentionally sought to share our lives with others and have lived in various forms of intentional community. We’ve lived with siblings, friends, members of our faith community, and renters looking for an affordable place to get started.
COVID -19 has me working from home more than ever, and Pascal recently moved into his own place so Lynette & I are discovering life as empty nesters.
In an effort of honor other’s stories I generally, choose not to share too much in this forum about the members of my family. What I reveal about myself, my story, or thinking is one thing, but talking about someone else is another.
Peace, dwight
Home Life