After years of holding classes in, and from, Seattle’s Belltown neighborhood, The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology is preparing to move to its new home at 1130 Rainier Avenue South, in Seattle. While located on an active street, the new location has more of a residential neighborhood vibe than our downtown Belltown location.

I’ve almost got my studio of 17 years boxed up or emptied out, and I am gearing up for the move and a new chapter in a different neighborhood. We will officially make the move between the Winter and Spring trimesters next month.

Anytime a person, a family, or in this case, a learning community makes a move there is a complexity of accompanying emotions. So it is with this move. There is much to grieve in letting go, so much to anticipate, and much more in between. I am filled with gratitude for the many people, groups, businesses, coffee shops, restaurants, bars, etc. that have made our life in Belltown so wonderful. I will definitely miss walking through Pike’s Market on my way in from the bus, taking a break to walk through the sculpture park, and seeing the Salish Sea every day. And I wonder what we will discover as we meet, listen to, and learn from (and with) our new neighbors and this place. I wonder what our learning community will feel like when we’re all on the same floor of the same building.

Here is a short video of a recent visit to our new home.

Peace, dwight

The Seattle School’s New Home
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